
Hi there. I'm Michelle a self taught artist living in Cardiff and owner of ArtyShell. I've always used art as a way of escaping from the stresses of life but never more so than in recent years where I needed to find an outlet that was healthy for both mind and body. Creating art became that outlet for me, it helped me release my emotions as well as switch off from the world and find my happy place, such an important aspect of improving mental health and well-being.

My creations are often experimental and colourful where I enjoy painting with acrylics and building up layers using various materials to create texture and depth. I take my inspiration from life experiences or something that has stayed with me throughout the day, whether it be an image, a colour or a feeling. Umbrellas have also become a bit of a theme in my pieces and often symbolise a sense of hope and positivity as they encourage us to keep looking up. Hope my art brings you joy and you find your happy place!

Carol Adams